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Overview - Historical Weather AgPowered Service (HW APS)

Historical Weather AgPowered Service (APS) gives you access to weather data for the majority of agriculture regions across the globe from 1979. Specifics of geographic coverage and timelines can be found in the below sections. The following weather attributes are available (hourly and daily) as part of this AgPowered Service.

Daily Weather AttributesHourly Weather Attributes
Maximum TemperatureTemperature
Minimun TemperaturePrecipitation
Total PrecipitationWindSpeed
Maximum WindSpeedWindDirection
Minimum WindSpeedWindGust
Average WindSpeedRelativeHumidity
Maximum AtmosphericPressureNetSolarRadiation
Minimum AtmosphericPressureAtmosphericPressure
Average AtmosphericPressureCloudCover
Maximum DewPointTemperatureDewPointTemperature
Minimum DewPointTemperatureSnowDepth
Average DewPointTemperatureDownwardSolarRadiation
Average SnowDepthSoilMoisture
Total CloudCoverSoilTemperature
Maximum NetSolarRadiation
Total NetSolarRadiation
Maximum DownwardSolarRadiation
Total DownwardSolarRadiation
Maximum SoilMoisture
Minimum SoilMoisture
Average SoilMoisture

Computed attributes such as Evapotranspiration, Absolute Humidity, Surface Heat flux, Max Wind Speed (2m), Max Morning Wind Speed (12AM-12PM @ 10m) can be made available if a specific use case needs it.

This data is sourced from The Weather Company (IBM TWC) and ERA5. Historical Weather AgPowered Service (APS) will provide the blended data.

Below are links to two samples of what the Daily and Hourly output files are like:

Daily Sample Weather Data File

Hourly Sample Weather Data File

Geographical Coverage of Historical Weather APS



Variables1. Temperature
2. Relative Humidity
3. Dew Point Temp (RH)
4. Pressure
5. Wind Speed and Direction
6. Solar Radiation
7. Soil Temperature
8. Soil Moisture
9. Snow Depth
10. Cloud Cover
11. Precipitation
1. Temperature
2. Relative Humidity
3. DewPoint Temperature (RH)
4. Pressure
5. Wind Speed and Direction(spotty data prior to 2017)
6. Precipitation (*except US)
1. Precipitation (US and South Canada)
TimelineStarting from 1979From July 1, 2015From April 1, 2021
Resolution0.25 Degree special resolution (approx. 28 km)4 Km1 Km

Historical Weather APS API

  • Typical Request has the following attributes – location (either latitude / longitude coordinates or ADMA resource ID) and timeframe (in local time of the respective field's location).
  • Once the request is processed, the APS will generate the data set and make it available in Insights in ADMA.
  • The turnaround time to generate weather data sets and make it available in customer’s Insights in ADMA is 60 minutes.
  • In a single batch request -
    • Maximum of 10 jobs can be included.
    • In a single job, daily weather data can be requested for a time period of up to one year.
    • In a single job, Hourly weather data can be requested for a time period of up to 30 days.

Potential Use Cases

  • Crop Insurance company working on the claim settlement wants to verify a claim generated by a farmer that a crop was damaged because of climatic conditions
  • Financial institutions/ Insurance companies looking to access historical climatic data for different regions of the world to develop weather models (example - Risk modelling considering historic weather) that can help build new weather-based financing / insurance products
  • Irrigation Management company accessing the historical weather data for specific fields so that their models can generate the precise irrigation recommendation script for the fields
  • A Data science or Agri-Tech company needing historical weather data as an input to use in the growth stage model that is being developed for the different crops

How is usage measured

Historical Weather APS Usage is measured by Record lines.

A Record line is one-day's-worth of data for a LON/ LAT. This could be as granular as hourly data or as simple as a daily average.

  • The level of data granularity (hourly, averages, etc), and the data elements (precipitation, temp, etc) received by the End User are dependent upon the End User's request, but everything is based on a specific LON/LAT and a specific day.
  • Here are a few examples. All these examples comprise a record line, because a record line is about a location/ date combination, and the data elements pulled from the End User are flexible within that framework.:
    • Daily temperature average (one datapoint) from LON/LAT X/Y and date Z.
    • Precipitation accumulation from every hour within a 24-hour period (24 total datapoints) from LON/LAT X/Y and date Z.
    • All available data elements from every hour within a 24-hour period (lots of datapoints) from LON/LAT X/Y and date Z.
    • When an End User requests data from multiple LON/LAT coordinates, multiple days, or a combination of these things, they are requesting more than one record line
Install Historical Weather APS

To install the Historical Weather APS, start here.